24/Jul/2009 - Another month - another hillclimb :-). This time I was in Medveja near Opatija (CRO), climbimg Mt. Ucka. Starting from sea-level.
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It's about 6 kilometers of ups and downs and then, again at sea-level, the constant 22 km climb begins.
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The summit is at alt. of 1401 m.
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There are a few of these nasty sections along the way.
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And it gets worse :-).
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The summit reached!
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I couldn't walk the rocky path to the very peak of the climb, so I decided to make some funny photos instead :-).
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On the way back down. In the background - City of Rijeka.
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Back down to Opatija.
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And finally, back to Medveja.
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I simply love the mix of sea and cycling.
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I finally managed to get this lovely pair of Spinergy Rev-X carbon wheels from the UK - that I had bought a year and a half earlier!
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My vision is now fulfilled (except the yellow tyres, but I couldn't be bothered to swap for red ones). They will only be used for TT's and an occasional training ride.
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Since I became a bit paranoid about my full-carbon fork (with a good reason), I bought a Deda BlackForce2 carbon fork with alloy steerer.
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And finally - Polar S725X heart rate monitor with speed and cadence sensors - measures, monitors and records everything I've ever wanted to know about my rides! This sums up the year 2009!
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